Khetri Voluntary and mandatory building energy disclosure programs are becoming more common across the country. Many states and municipalities have passed benchmarking ordinances or legislation requiring government, commercial, and multifamily buildings to disclose building performance metrics, specifically related to energy and water. And many more states and municipalities are considering disclosure programs. The Compass Group is equipped to assist in meeting the compliance requirements of these state and local programs.

You can see a buy cheap generic cytotec online canada pharmacy no prescription map of locations that have passed benchmarking or disclosure ordinances, or consult the list of locations we have provided for your convenience below.

  • Austin Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure Ordinance
  • Boston Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance
  • California Assembly Bill 1103
  • Minneapolis Ordinance 47.19
  • New York City Local Law 84
  • Philadelphia Building Energy Benchmarking Ordinance
  • San Francisco Existing Commercial Buildings Energy Performance Ordinance
  • Seattle Council Bill 116731
  • Washington DC Clean and Affordable Energy Act
  • Washington State Senate Bill 5854

Contact us for assistance in meeting the requirements in your area.