LEED-Proven-Provider_rgb_webFor clients that have already achieved LEED certification and want to build on their successes, The Compass Group offers LEED recertification consulting services.  The Compass Group has been recognized as a LEED® Proven Provider™ for the Operations and Maintenance rating system family by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI).  We work with clients to identify opportunities for new credits to achieve and we help to put in place mechanisms to further institutionalize sustainability practices and reporting structures.

Ongoing Performance Review
For project teams that are looking for a little help staying on track with their performance reporting, The Compass Group can provide quarterly third-party review of ongoing performance tracking.  We write up short reports for our clients that highlight each area’s performance and provide recommendations for any areas that need improvement.

Full Consulting Services
For clients who want the full suite of services, The Compass Group works to update all of the tools, policies, and plans used for the previous certification; leads clients through a new performance period for any additional attempted credits; completes all of the application materials; and submits the application to GBCI.  This is our most commonly requested recertification service package.

We Have Done This Before

The Compass Group works with project teams that have just achieved certification and want to maintain their sustainability performance, those that are just beginning to think about recertification after five years, and clients at every stage in between.  Whether a project team is changing versions or recertifying in the same version, our team has gone through this process before.  All of our leadership team members are experienced LEED APs who know the LEED-EB rating system and recertification requirements inside and out.

We Can Put You on the Track to Success

Because the ultimate goal of LEED-EB is to integrate sustainability into ongoing operations, The Compass Group works to set clients up with the tools, strategies, and reporting frameworks that will allow them to eventually internalize all of their LEED tracking.